© 2020 Gossypion Investments | Dallas, TX | 469-222-5874 | info@gossypion.com


Gossy Reallocating Assets to Create Equity


GRACE is a fund by Gossypion Investments that will invest in the most innovative and exciting ideas and projects by creatives and cultural workers across the country. The fund will make investments in the range of $100-$1000 per idea or project on a rolling basis. The fund will seek to maximize its return on investment and applicants should think through how their idea or project could make money before applying to the GRACE fund. Successful applicants will have a clear and concise idea, a basic timeline and business plan, and a reason why they are the best person to execute this idea or project. In addition to money, Gossy will offer our vast cultural expertise in the realms of curation, project management, PR, branding, networking and mentorship to GRACE recipients to help them successfully execute their projects.

Months from Completion: 1
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Please upload any extra materials you my want to share with us. Such as your Bio, Artist Statement, Portfolio, etc.

additional info

Since GRACE will be funding projects that may have short timelines, we will review applications on a weekly basis – although if possible try to allow at least 30 days between when you apply and when you would need funding.  Due to the volume of submissions we may not be able to provide feedback on every application.
